Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dreading tomorrow.. and the following 4 months..

Well.. my break is finally over and I have to go back to school... TOMORROW!!!!! :( How sad! My break went by way to fast... I should be in bed, (because I have to get up at 5am) but my sleeping schedule is so messed up since I have been staying up late and getting up late!
I was talking with my Dad tonight and I thought, "I am going to be an adult in 1 year".. HOW SCARY IS THAT?! I will have a full time job (HAH.. Hopefully) and graduated in a little over a year. That's depressing to me too.. lol.
On another note, Shelby is sleeping right next to me and she must be having a dream or something... She is whining and her eyes are twitching and so are her feet. Its pretty darn funny...
Alright, I guess I will go and dread the rest of my freedom until 5am comes tomorrow..

1 comment:

Christie & Roger said...

Yes, the full time job thing can be a bit overwhelming to think about. It helps when that paycheck comes every two weeks though!